Mooresville, NC
Pet Surgery

Pet Surgery

Our hospital has experience in small animal surgery, including routine spays, neuters, growth removals, and more extensive soft tissue surgeries. Our surgery suite is equipped with gas anesthesia, pulse oximetry, EKG, blood pressure monitoring, a water circulating heating unit, electrocautery, and a CO2 laser. All surgeries are performed with a CO2 laser, minimizing swelling, pain, and bleeding and reducing recovery time. We care for the patient during pre-op, surgery, and recovery by monitoring vital signs and anesthesia plane, and administering any needed medications. Every surgical patient has a multi-modal pain control protocol tailored for their needs.
State-of-the-Art Laser Surgery
Surgical lasers have become a very important part of veterinary medicine. We are proud to be one of the first veterinary hospitals in the area to provide the many advantages of laser technology to our patients. Now your pet can benefit from the same properties of laser surgery that human patients have experienced for over 20 years: less pain, swelling, and discomfort after surgery and the ability to resume normal activities sooner.
For more information on laser surgery, go to